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Articles II

  Give them a second opportunity


Currently, animal lovers are concerned because, despite the benefits of having pets, the number of abandoned pets is increasing day by day. In order to encourage people to adopt pets, let’s explain some benefits.


To begin with, when you adopt a pet you’re saving its life and given that animal a second chance to have a decent life. Furthermore, many studies support that having a pet in home can improve your health and make you happier for different reasons, for instance, they provide you with an excuse to make exercise and to spend time outside.


According to parents, children who have pets are more self-confident, independent and responsible. Because they have to keep their pets alive, they learn take care of them and to train them.

What it’s more, playing with them can increase your self-esteem and reduce your levels of stress, and depression.


But likewise, when you go for a walk, you have the opportunity to socialize with others pet owners and create a new friendship.

In conclusion, if you love animals and you are looking for unconditional love. You should adopt a pet, I am sure you will feel delighted every day when you enter home and your pet shows you affection unconditionally.

The benefits of having a pet


Research about the relationship between humans and animals (in reference to pets) have already demonstrated to us that there are more benefits than disadvantages, particularly about the treatment of people with psychological or sociological problems.

For instance, your dog can help you to reduce stress and anxiety.

It's true that having pets involve a lot of responsibilities and inconveniences. You must take care of your pet not only being responsible for his/her welfare but also for the cleanliness of your house and this can increase your average expenses (food, vet,...). Moreover, going on holiday can be a problem!


In spite of these inconveniences, I have always had a dog so I can say "that's worth it". Your dog always greet you cheerfully and never is going to judge your appearance or behaviour. My daughters grew-up considering our dog as one member of our family.


During the lockdown, my eldest daughter, who lives alone in Marseille, felt lonely because she worked at home and she did not see anybody for days, so she started suffering from depression. To solve this problem, she decided to contact a dog breeding by the internet to buy a puppy called Río. Since then, she has to look after Río and doesn't feel alone.


In conclusion, there are reasons to say that the dog is the man's best friend. 

Should people living in an apartment be allowed to own pets?


Nowadays, pets are part of our family. People who have a pet find it really difficult to live in an apartment because landlords don’t usually admit them.


When you are living in an apartment, landlords will decide all important aspects, including pets. From the tenant’s point of view, they pay for all the things, they clean the flat and they are responsible for everything that happen there. However, pets are an important part of their lives and they don’t want to be without them.


On the other hand, landlords are the owners, and they can regulate in order to control everything. It is known that a pet doesn’t mean untidy, mess or dirty house. In fact, these characteristics are related to people, not to animals. Furthermore, all of us can have an accident and spot the wall or damage a curtain without having a pet, for example. In that case, the tenants have the responsibility of these acts. So, what is the difference with a pet? The reason why owners don’t accept pets is that they don’t want any problem with the neighbors and inside the house


Analyzing the context, if people talked more, they would find a solution. Landlords might decide to allow a pet or not to and the tenants decide to stay in that apartment or to look for another one.


Why should we adopt a pet?

This means in most cases, to give a second chance to an animal that has been abandoned or mistreated.  Giving it a new life and the love of a new family, will help it to regain its confidence and happiness. 

I completely support, the pet adoption instead of buying them, because if you buy an animal, 
you are sustaining the animal breeding and that contributes increasing animal suffering.

What are the benefits of adopting an animal?
For example, they improve your mood. Pets help you to reduce anxiety and depression. Also, they make you be more active and reinforce your social life. In addition, if you need assistance or have a serious illness such as hyperactivity, 
autism and emotional problems, pets can be very beneficial. 

The work of pet adoption centres should have more facilities, and they should be provided with more economic resources as well as promoting them, so people could help animals by adopting them.

In conclusion, let's help animals whenever we can, and this will improve our quality of life 

as well as theirs. Be supportive and adopt a pet now!

Should People Living in Apartament Have Pets?


There are four points to take into account before answering that question: the kind of pet, the owner herself/himself, the neighbours, and, finally, the apartment. We live in community, so we have to understand each other well and, in the case of an apartment block, that verb “understand” has plenty of meaning.


It does not matter what sort of pet we are talking about; all of them, from a fish to a Vietnamese pork, might be the best owner’s friend and provide a great support to them.


In my opinion, pets, especially dogs and cats, are good for people’s lives, if people like them, of course. However, no matter how important pets are for people; it is more important if people take complete care. In other words, if the owner provides them for all their needs and if he/she trains them to have a good behaviour.


That statement is not a silly thing, that is essential when having an animal partner; and moreover, if both live in an apartment, owners must be aware that not everyone likes pets and that pets might disturb neighbours, for example, when dogs bark if owners are not at home or when cats go into other flats through the balcony.


There is not a simple answer. Pets should live wherever their owners do, but owners should be very aware of their responsibility to both pets or neighbours.

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